April 7, 2022

After 18 years, VMware is rebranding the well known VMworld to VMware Explore


I'm so used to the VMworld name that I'll likely continue saying that till my brain realizes otherwise. It's just that VMworld rolls off the tongue a lot better than adding two extra syllables for VMware Explore. Or maybe I'll just simply call it "V-M-E" to see if that catches on. 😉

If anything I'm more excited about the fact that it's live in-person again!

August 29 - September 1, 2022
Moscone Center
San Francisco, California

Although, I thought the VMworld V-M-E experience is a lot better done in Las Vegas, there are some friends I'd like to visit in the bay area anyway!

Also, here is a General FAQs page which goes over why the name has changed and what's new. 


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