August 25, 2017

Welp, looks like I’ll have to start migrating over to the appliance on the next vCenter revision. has been trying to move users over to the appliance for a bit now. They have been offering compelling reasons to move over such as having VUM built in and Native HA support for vCenter itself.  Full details listed

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July 10, 2017

Quick Navigation Functionality Still Missing from vSphere 6.5 HTML5 EditionSupported Functionality Added to vSphere 6.5 HTML5 EditionSo Which Edition of vSphere 6.5 Should You Use? So pretty much every industry is moving away from Adobe Flash.  The tide began turning when Apple shunned Flash, and both Mozilla’s Firefox and Google’s Chrome browsers made it easy –

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June 26, 2017

Gotta start to learn NSX a bit more since I’ll need to use it professionally. I’ll write up a segment on implementing it into your home lab in the near future. I think the transformation of virtualizing the network is pretty bad ass! To do what VMs did for physical machines to the network is the next

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June 19, 2017

Quick Navigation PrerequisitesCreate Domain Controller VM & Configure DC w/DNS RoleStage 1 – Installing vCenter and Creating vSAN ClusterStage 2 – Completing the VCSA Setup So after all this prep work, we can now install vCenter to do all the cool things. Also, since we are installing vCenter 6.5, we may as well utilize the

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