April 28, 2021

Finally took advantage of an internal VMware SD-WAN WFH program utilizing our VeloCloud Edge product. I thought I’d do a quick write up on the easy peasy setup.

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December 6, 2020

So VMworld 2020 came and went this year. The show was great considering the virtual nature of it due to this pandemic the world is currently in. One thing that I always looked forward to was the yearly backpack they provide for attendees. For 2020, this didn’t happen since the show was virtual and free. 

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November 28, 2020

Since Apple’s new macOS Big Sur dropped a little over 2 weeks ago, some of you may want to tinker around with the new OS in your homelab. Below I’ll list out the steps I used to get this up and running in my lab environment.

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October 3, 2020

This year VMworld did an all digital conference since we are living in this new social distance world. Having gone for the last few years, I definitely miss actual being there in person, walking around, taking notes, having the lunches, and conversing with the VMware staff. 

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