August 29, 2019

Wow...I have not updated this website in a long while. Sorry guys, just been busy. Anyway, another show in the books. This time VMworld was held in San Franscisco at the Moscone center.


I will have to say that the venue and food was a huge step down from being in Las Vegas the past two years. I mean, seriously..they gave us man-child box lunches compared to the Sea Bass and Braised Short Rib we were offered in LV. That was seriously my only gripe. 

With that rant out of the way, the show itself was simply amazing like usual. I've gotten more out of this show compared with all the other previous years I've attended. I was able to really drill down and find solutions to problems I'm facing at work by picking the brains of the experts 1-on-1 in their respective fields. That alone was worth the entire trip. I'm such a nerd!

I gotta catch up on all the archived Sessions I missed throughout the next few weeks. 

Anyway, till next year 🙂


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